Build the foundation to excel in a variety of scientific and health care fields. As the demand for specialists in all areas of 生物学 and health care continues to rise, 人类生物学学士学位是迈向迷人职业生涯的明智的第一步.
Since our founding in 1935, 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 has been dedicated to the advancement of health care. 在这里, 你将向世界上最好的教育家和研究人员学习, surrounded by a supportive community of students who are as committed as you are.
Build the foundation to excel in a variety of scientific and healthcare fields. As the demand for specialists in all areas of 生物学 and health care continues to rise, 人类生物学学士学位是迈向有意义职业生涯的明智的第一步.
Since our founding in 1935, 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 has been dedicated to the advancement of health care. 通过这个在线项目和生物系, 你将向世界上最好的教育家和研究人员学习, 由一群和你一样忠诚的学生支持.
的 Bachelor of Science degree programs have the following admission requirements:
- 完成网上申请.
- For High School graduates and any student with less than 24 semester hours of undergraduate coursework (after
高中毕业):- Request that an official transcript be sent directly to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 from accredited High School. If the applicant attended multiple institutions for high school or undergraduate course work, 每所学校的正式成绩单必须直接寄给洛根.
- 2.高中的CGPA(未加权)5分.
- ACT/SAT Score (within 7 years) – 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 does not offer pre-college/ remedial level course work. SAT/ACT scores are used to help determine preparedness for college level English and math course work at the minimum of the 100 level.
- ACT综合分数最低:23分
- SAT综合成绩最低:1100分
- 高中CGPA(未加权)在2之间的学生.0 to 2.49 may appeal for Alternative 招生 acceptance to the 招生 Committee.
- 学生将被编码为AATP-PREQ.
- 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 reserves the right to outline special conditions of acceptance for AATP-PREREQ students they believe will optimize a student’s chances for success such as reduced course loads, 需要辅导, 需要与学业成功教练会面, 等.
- 学生 without ACT/SAT Score may appeal for Alternative 招生 acceptance to the 招生 Committee.
- 学生将被编码为AATP-PREQ.
- 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 reserves the right to outline special conditions of acceptance for AATP-PREREQ students they believe will optimize a student’s chances for success such as reduced course loads, 需要辅导, 需要与学业成功教练会面, 等.
- For transfer students with 24 or more semester hours of undergraduate coursework (after 高中毕业):
- Request that an official transcript be sent directly to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 from all accredited institutions. If the applicant attended multiple institutions for undergraduate course work, 每所学校的正式成绩单必须直接寄给洛根.
- 2.5 CGPA(未加权).
- 本科CGPA(未加权)在2之间的学生.0 to 2.49 may appeal for Alternative 招生 acceptance to the 招生 Committee.
- 学生将被编码为AATP-PREQ.
- 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 reserves the right to outline special conditions of acceptance for AATP-PREREQ students they believe will optimize a student’s chances for success such as reduced course loads, 需要辅导, 需要与学业成功教练会面, 等.
- GED/HiSET/Home School – Must meet one of the requirements to start in the Bachelor programs:
- ACT/SAT Score (within 7 years) – 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 does not offer pre-college/ remedial level course work. SAT/ACT scores are used to help determine preparedness for college level English and math course work at the minimum of the 100 level.
- ACT综合分数最低:23分
- SAT综合成绩最低:1100分
- Complete 24 semester hours of undergraduate course work either at 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 as a none degree seeking student or complete them at another accredited institution.
- ACT/SAT Score (within 7 years) – 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 does not offer pre-college/ remedial level course work. SAT/ACT scores are used to help determine preparedness for college level English and math course work at the minimum of the 100 level.
- International applicants see section in handbook titled “International Applicants”.
学生 may be admitted through the Alternative 招生 Track Program (AATP). 我们鼓励学生联系招生办 招生@emporiasystemsllc.com 或636-230-1750讨论可能的选择.
人类生物学学位将为你进入研究生院(理科硕士)做准备.S. & Ph.D. 课程)或医学专业课程, 整骨疗法, 足部医疗, 脊椎按摩疗法, 药店, 验光, 牙科, 或者医师助理.
的 Human Biology degree can launch you toward a fulfilling career in the health care or health science where opportunities are limitless. Examples include careers in research; 生物技术; 微生物学; evolutionary 生物学; 细胞生物学; 法医科学; food science; teaching; 健康的通信; environmental 生物学; work for pharmaceutical or medical device companies; or government agencies such as FDA, 医嘱, 美国国家航空航天局, 美国农业部, 或联邦调查局.
- 至少2.5 cumulative GPA (unweighted) from high school, in addition to a qualifying SAT or ACT score.
- ACT总分不低于23分,或者SAT总分不低于1100分.
毕业后从严上岗一般 生物课程作业 在解剖学, 生理学, 细胞生物学, 遗传学, 免疫学, 微生物学, 生物化学, 公共卫生等等. 所有 生物学 courses are offered three times per year allowing students to graduate in less than 3 years. 许多 要求 courses are offered in an accelerated, 7-week format letting you complete basic 自然 一学年的科学课程.
Would you like to earn a 生物学 BS degree from a nationally recognized, highly-ranked program?
- EduMed “最佳在线生物学学位” | 洛根# 2 2023年: http://www.edumed.org/online-schools/biology-degrees/ # 4-year-schools
- 聪明的 “生物学最佳在线学士学位” 项目| 洛根# 3 2023年 http://www.Intelligent.com/best-online-bachelors-in-biology-programs/
- US正规的棋牌平台排行榜 & 世界报道 “提供在线生物学学位的顶尖在线学校” | 洛根# 3: http://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/biology-bachelors-degree
- CollegeChoice “最佳在线生物学学位” | 洛根# 3 http://www.collegechoice.net/sciences/biology/best-online-bachelors-degrees/
- 最好的大学 “2023年最佳在线生物学学士学位课程” | 洛根# 3: http://www.bestcolleges.com/features/top-online-biology-programs/
- 负担得起的学校 “15 Best Affordable Biology, Biochemistry, Zoology Degree Programs (Bachelor’s) 2020” | 洛根# 7 http://affordableschools.net/15-of-the-most-affordable-bachelors-degrees-in-biology-biochemistry-zoology/
- 大学的悬崖 把洛根列为 “2023年15所最佳在线生物学学士学位学院”: http://collegecliffs.com/best-colleges-online-bachelors-biology/
的 生物学课程 洛根学院将帮助你运用科学原理来解决问题, 做出基于证据的决策, 交流生物学概念 关于人体解剖学等等.
- 向不同的受众传达生物学概念
- 运用科学原理解决与人类生物学相关的问题
- 利用科学信息做出基于证据的决策
- 评估影响人类健康的社会和行为因素
- 考察人类生物学的主要概念
View the courses that you’ll take throughout your 人类生物学理学学士学位 program.
Graduate ready for work or graduate school with rigorous courses 在解剖学 and 生理学, 生物化学, 营养, 生物学, 遗传学, 有机化学, 公共卫生概论等等.